نخبة المواقع على شبكة الانترنت

الصفحة الرئيسية

smiley emot

  • Japanese Emoticons
    ノ Our first ever Japanese Emoticon Pumpkin Carving Contest was a success I think, with nine different entries. The winning pumpkin is this ...
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  • Unicode Emoticons - Wrttn.me
    Unicode Emoticons. ಠ_ಠ [disapprove] Ծ_Ծ [disapprove] ಠ~ಠ [hrm…] ఠ_ఠ [o rly?] ಠ_ರೃ [dignified] ಠ_ృ [dignified] ಠ╭╮ಠ [frown] ◔_◔ [rolling eyes]
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  • Urban Dictionary: emoticon
    An emoticon, sometimes called a smiley, is a sequence of printable characters such as :) or ^_^, that is intended to represent a human facial expression and ...
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